Non-surgical 8-Point Filler Face Lift that Can be Done in 10 minutes?

Would You Go for this Non-surgical 8 Point Filler Face Lift?

8-point filler face listIt’s a guarantee that some of us would never go under the knife to enhance our beauty. That said, I was a little bit impressed when I came across this new anti-aging facial rejuvenation treatment, known as the non-surgical 8-point filler face lift that lifts your face without going under the knife. As usual, I contacted one of my trusted plastic surgeons, who is very hands-on with the procedure, to explain what the treatment is all about, and what one would expect afterward.

The non-surgical 8-point filler face lift is basically a new and advanced facial lifting and contouring treatment that is done in less than ten minutes. According to Dr. Adnan Tahir, a consultant plastic, and reconstructive surgeon, this 8-point filler face lift has become one of the most popular non-invasive volume restoration treatments simply because it creates a lifting effect using minimal amounts of dermal fillers – in this case, Juvederm Voluma. 

What is an 8 point face lift?

Dr Adnan Tahir
Dr. Adnan Tahir – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

An 8 point filler facelift, explains Dr. Tahir, is a non-surgical method of facial rejuvenation used by patients between the ages of 25 and 45 years who do not wish to undergo surgical treatments for facelifts. “The treatment involves injecting the Juvederm Voluma in very specific anatomical points on the face.”

The non-surgical 8-point filler face lift procedure, he says, can easily be done in clinic settings; so in other words, you don’t have to go to a hospital for surgery and everything that comes with surgery. “The unique filler is injected in 8 specific points on the face (hence the name) which results in instant volume enhancement and facial rejuvenation, in the process reversing age-related changes to the facial skin and volume in less than 10 minutes,” notes Dr. Tahir.

Is it safe?

For those wondering about the safety of the procedure, Dr. Tahir says that it is extremely safe and does not involve any particular downtime. “In other words, you can have the facelift then get back to your activities,” says he, adding that the effects of this procedure are different from person to person but ideally should last for a period of 12 months. So what happens after let’s say 12 months?  “You can have a retouch treatment with the Juvederm Voluma if you notice some loss of volume to the face.”

The treatment: “After arriving at the clinic, make sure you have your consultation with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon, who knows what he’s doing. If that is the case, he will then go ahead and assess your face, as well as the need for any face-related treatments and fillers (some people don’t need fillers). If your non-surgical 8-point filler face lift is for the same day, the surgeon will then prep your face for the treatment and will go ahead and inject the Juvederm Voluma filler on specific points of your face to achieve the desired lift and volume restoration.”

The expected results

The results notes Dr. Tahir, are instant and you are bound to notice, particularly in the face region, more enhanced volume. The cheeks will also have a lift with a reduction in wrinkle lines along the nose junction, nasolabial fold, and the chin.

Just to note, the non-surgical 8-point filler face lift can be done by persons who want to have a more rejuvenated look with more volume and fewer wrinkles.

Would I go for this treatment? Maybe. But if/when I do, I will make sure to document the whole thing for any curious cats out there. You can also check out Ultherapy, which is also a non-invasive uplift that works overtime to regenerate collagen.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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