Cellulite Treatment with New and Improved Cellu M6 Alliance

Can this Treatment Drastically Improve the Appearance of Cellulite?

Cellulite Treatment with New and Improved Cellu M6 AllianceI think most of us, or at least myself, have come to the conclusion that it’s quite challenging to find a cellulite treatment (if there’s one at all) that can completely do away with the orange peel skin. What most of the cellulite treatments and natural tips and tricks do is improve the appearance of the cellulite at a snail’s pace.

But did you know that the orange-peel look on your skin affects about 90% of women, irrespective of shape and size? And that it like appearing on body areas like the butt, thighs, legs, and arms where excess fat and water are stored? Well, according to a new cellulite treatment in the market, it seems you won’t have to worry about your dimpled skin anymore (fingers crossed). This is because LPG Endermologie has introduced a new cellulite treatment – Cellu M6 Alliance – that they promise can drastically improve the appearance of cellulite by smoothing things out.

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How the Cellu M6 Alliance Cellulite Treatment Works

This cellulite treatment uses a combined motorized flap and roller with sequential suction to thoroughly stimulate and mobilize tissue. The Endermologie stimulates the skin and fatty tissue to soften and make them less fibrous. This stimulation helps the release of fat and drainage of toxins in the body as well as activating the blood and lymphatic circulation. In addition, the mechanical action of the treatment heads enables the skin to be firm and toned.

Skin Identity Sensor

What makes the Cellu M6 Alliance more special is the Skin Identity Sensor. It automatically adapts the stimulation to each individual type of skin, optimizing the intensity needed in the treatment whilst the skin is respected.

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And here’s the kicker…

This Cellu M6 Alliance anti-aging and cellulite-treating technology, say the folks behind it, provides unparalleled, visible results in a short span of time. According to them, about 67%* of women who had the cellulite treatment reported a smoothed orange-peel skin aspect after the 3rd session. In addition (they insist), the effectiveness of this Cellu M6 Alliance is scientifically proven and backed by 145 scientific studies to this day.

Finally, are you convinced that this cellulite treatment aka Cellu M6 Alliance is the real deal? And that you should not worry anymore about the dimpled skin? Well, I am a little convinced but I’ll have to give it a try.  Also, don’t expect magic. In addition to the cellulite treatment with Cellu M6 Alliance, you will need to be active and eat healthy in order to reduce the so-called cellulite.

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At the end of the day, cellulite treatment or not, it’s summer and the beach is calling. So you better rock that swimsuit and embrace the season as it was meant to be.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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