How to Stay Creative Under Pressure - The Beautiful Lifestyle Online

How to Stay Creative Under Pressure

Tips on How to Stay Creative Under PressureHave you ever felt like you’re in a creative slump? The popular image of creativity involves artists, writers or musicians lazing away their days until that moment when inspiration strikes, then crafting their works of genius in a fever pitch. However, for normal folk, that portrait of creativity simply doesn’t ring true. Even if you’re in a creative industry, you have no time to sit around and wait for inspiration to come calling, because you know what? You’ve got deadlines to meet. So, how do you stay creative under pressure, regardless of what you’re up to?


Tips on How to Stay Creative Under Pressure
Medy Navani – CEO and Founder of Design Haus Medy

SEE ALSO: How to Get Creative with Yoga


Some people are convinced that time pressure stimulates creative thinking, and others are certain it stifles creative thinking. Which side are you on? But, even as time pressures increase, the need for creative thinking has never been greater. Before you take a side, Medy Navani, CEO and Founder of Design Haus Medy has shared with us his two cents on how to stay creative under pressure.

5 Tips on How to Stay Creative Under Pressure

1.    Don’t give in to fear

When it comes to a looming deadline, it can mean we get into our own heads, curbing our creativity and forcing on playing it safe. Don’t allow fear to stop you from being creative.

2.    Clear thinking

When we are stressed, it can mean that our minds get fumbled, and we lose sight of the overall objectives. Take the time to write down clear goals of the project to ensure the creative thinking flows towards the requirements of your project.

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3.    Don’t wait

Sometimes the luxury of time is not on our side and although we always want to bring our best ideas forward, sometimes this isn’t always possible. Creating something is better than having nothing, so get something done and then work to improve it afterward.

4.    Change of pace

Distractions are the death of creativity. When you are on a roll, the last thing you want is to be disturbed by mundane interruptions. Sometimes even the simplest thing such as a colleague asking you a question can be the end of your concentration. Find a nice quiet spot away from such distractions and allow your creativity to flow

5.    Refocus

If all else fails, walk away from the task. Sometimes working on other tasks can get those creative juices flowing and will inevitably help you refocus.

What are your go-to tricks on how to stay creative under pressure? Share in the comments below.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.


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