Common Skin Care Myths and Facts, You Probably Should Know About

 5 Common Skin Care Myths and Facts You Should Know About

Common Skin Care Myths and Facts, You Probably Should Know AboutIf you are a skincare buff like yours truly, then you’ll understand the need to keep yourself abreast on the best skin care routines, treatments, and well, anything that can give you a youthful, well-hydrated and beautiful skin. I came to realize that the deeper I dove into the subject, the more kind of confusing it became. Why? Because there are quite a lot of common skin care myths and half-truths out there.

And since it would be a bit too much to do a ‘tried and tested’ on every skin treatment out there, I decided to have a chat with one of my trusted skin care specialists who agreed to sort out some of the common skin care myths as well as share the corresponding facts.

Common Skin Care Myths and Facts

Need for Sunscreen

Myth: You don’t need sunscreen when it’s cloudy or you are sitting in the shade.

Fact: Here’s the thing, if you can’t see or feel the sun, it doesn’t mean the UV rays are not penetrating through. The radiation is still reaching the earth’s surface, and this means reaching your skin. The best advice is to stick to a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin.

SEE ALSO: 5 Ways to Build an Effective Skincare Routine

Adult Acne

Common Skin Care Myths and Facts, You Probably Should Know AboutMyth: At some point in your adulthood you will outgrow acne.

Fact: Apologies to be the bearer of bad news. If this was really the whole truth and nothing but the truth, my local skin care clinic will not be offering active acne treatment, which by the way is a big hit. And not to mention, the ladies and gents getting these treatments range from teens to women in their early 50s. This is because you can break out anytime from puberty onwards.

Skin Care Products and Cost

Myth: The more expensive the skin care product, the better it works.

Fact: Well, according to this skincare expert, this is one of those common skin care myths you should be careful about. There are cheaper products, even natural remedies that work better than those branded products. For instance, anti-aging ingredients found in a pricey product are similar to the ones you will find in the fairly priced one. But don’t get me wrong, some expensive and branded products can do wonders for your skin. Not all, but some.

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Pimple Popping

Myth: Popping that pimple will make it heal faster

Fact: The only thing that popping your pimple will do other than leave you with a scar is spreading the infection across other parts of your face, meaning more pimples. The best thing is to keep your nails and fingers away from your face and let it be. If it’s a serious condition, check with your skin specialist before things get out of hand.

Skin Types

Common Skin Care Myths and Facts, You Probably Should Know AboutMyth: Everybody’s skin is the same

Fact: Well, here’s the thing, skincare products, and treatments work differently on different people’s skin. What works for Amina might not work for Jenny or Fatima. Some people have oily skin, others dry skin, while some just happen to have that never-aging skin. These types of skins cannot use the same product; each has to use products and treatments tailor-made for their skin type.

If you are not sure about any skincare routine, product or treatment, find a qualified skin specialist or dermatologist to help you out. Also, do not shy away from natural remedies you can easily get from your kitchen.

Have you heard of any common skin care myths? Feel free to share in the comments.

About the Author

Esther Lackie
Aesthetics enthusiast, in love with running; marketing and PR pro during the day, an amateur chef and wine taster behind closed doors.

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